Programming in CPP

Internal Resources


More resources such as lecture notes and all supplementary materials (recordings, images, codes) will be published in our MS Teams group "CPP 1". All students were added to this group at the beginning of the semester. If you have no access to this group, you should contact your lecturer.

Public Resources


No login is required.
If provided, read carefully additional texts that can contain some helpful information on the origins of the files, license agreements, etc.


Click HERE to download a script to pre-set VSCode, and to install recommended extensions that can help you with C++ programming. Copy and unpack this file in VSCode folder (the same location as Code.exe on Windows). Check the file content and then execute the script. VSCode should start and all recommended extensions should be checked and installed.


Click HERE to download an empty project that can be your starting point to C++, CMake, Clang/GCC, and VSCode.


An acceptable project solution is part of the student evaluation. To successfully complete, students must obtain at least 21 points out of a total of 40 points. Topics of all projects can be downloaded below, and we strongly recommend discussing the topic with your lecturer to avoid misunderstandings. The method of choosing the topic is determined by lecturers at the seminars. 



  • Click HERE to download project topics